Thursday, March 22, 2012


So I have decided that there are too many abusive, and possessive relationships in high school... I mean... were in high school.  Yeah, it's tight to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but not to the point where you cut out everybody from your life. 
I have seen so many people I care about get taken over by their relationships, very abusive ones.  And it was hard for me just as much as them, because I saw them suffer, but they couldn't break it off and there was nothing I could do. Most of it happened because of the "significant" other became jealous. 
So people, save the heavy stuff for when are actually MATURE enough to handle all of this ish.  Seriously, you'd save your self and alot of people alot of pain.   Becuase they care about you alot.  Enough to tell you when enough is enough.  It's not worth it.  Keep it casual.  Word.

Oh yeahh... an i'm jealous of the Poem "The Rose That Grew From the Concrete" by Tupac
It is so simple yet, so sophisticated.  It gives you a sense of hope out of something you never thought possible.  I am jealous.

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