Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thinking Of You

I'M thinking about you like an addict thinks about herroin.
I'm THINKING about you like bullies think about their swagger.
I'm thinking ABOUT you like superman thinks bout kryptonite.
I'm thinking about about YOU like the wind thinks about the rain, Like the stars think about the moon,

Like your smile that makes me swoon

I think about you like the sun rays think about the warm.
I'm THINKing about you like clocks think about time. 
I'm thinking ABOUT you like spoons think about forks.
I'm thinking about YOU like meadowns think about the forest.
I think about you like a vampire thursts for blood.
I'm thinking about you like robots think about emotion.
I'm thinking about you like a child things about warmth.
I'm thinking about Y
                  Like the ocean thinks about    R  E   A   C  H  I  N  G 
I'm thinking about you like weddings think about kissing, and stairs think about
I'm thinking about you like accidents think about me. Like blind people want to see.
Like Pillows think about the coldside.  Like confusion think about answers.

Baby, I'm thinking about you. 

Find Your Beach

Find your beach!
Someplace you can be yourself, be happy, relax... even in everyday life.  Who knew a beer commercial could have such an affect?
The beach is someplace you can sit and think about things.  It is a place where you can escape.....and feel like your problems aren't there for a short amount of time. 
Through the stress of the day it is sometimes hard for us to cope or to calm down and get away from school or friends, or go some place fun with friends. Find that place where you can be to be happy!  Whether it is the lake, a cool view or even a calming place in the back of your mind. Find the place where you can be you, take your shoes off and really feel the sand.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The people who make the stupidest decisions are the one who are destined to do greatness in life.

 Finding yourself is something that all of us want to do.  Know who we are, where we are going.  What we really like, or dislike...
Some may even stress out about it.  If you are anything like me, when I get caught up in the moment....I don't know what I like or dislike mind jumbles.
But in the end... it all doesn't even matter.  Because, the person you are right who you are.  Whether you like it or not.  Although you can change.  Per se right now, I get embarrassed very easily.  I wish I didn't, but thats who I am.  I am a scatter brained, irresponsible, accident prone, clumsy person.  But that doesn't stop me from being me.  It's all part of who I am.  Becoming who you are is also part of acceptance.  Once you get past the sadness or anger, acceptance rolls along and makes everything ok.  Like the five stages of grief?
Although you have nothing to be greiving over.  Because if people don't like you for you... than thats their problem, and we are only in highschool. 
I've always felt like I never fit it.   Didn't fit in with the cool crowd, or the weird crowd.  I'm idle.  Inbetween.  I am my own crowd.  I have had to accept the things I cannot change and learn from it.  What you like, or what you do isn't who you are.  Its how you do it. Or deal with it.  Just because some people don't like you doesn't mean you don't have bigger things is store for you.  The people who make the stupidest decisions are the one who are destined to do greatness in life.  They are the ones that could have the biggest impact on people. They just got distracted and chose to take the easy way out of things.  Don't make those stupid decisions.  You are who you are, and if you don't change who you are for other people, you will find yourself becoming more accepted... I know that first hand. 
Sometimes the most beautiful things, come from something not so beautiful at all.

What is Love?

What is love...? baby don't hurt me...don't hurt more...
wow bad joke.
Mr. Nelson is right.  Defining love is impossible.  Even though i may not know the depths of love, i have an idea, as do most of us right?
Love for me, is that person you can't go a day without thinking about.  Sounds cheesy..but isn't it true?  Love is looking at the person for the first time and getting lost in their eyes.  Not remembering how to say hi back to them.  Love is wanting that person to be happy, even if it means you are separated or watching them be happy with someone else.  Love is sacrifice.  Love is wanting nothing more than to see that smile of that other person.  Love is persistance. Love is when your head is telling you logic, but your heart is shining though it all.  Love is living your life around them, their needs.  Love sometimes is something you can't have, but finding a way to live through it all.  Love is enduring.  Love is something that cannot be stopped over time.  Love is sometimes hard to find.  If it's love, it will find a way.  Love is the answer to all things.