Monday, February 6, 2012

What is Love?

What is love...? baby don't hurt me...don't hurt more...
wow bad joke.
Mr. Nelson is right.  Defining love is impossible.  Even though i may not know the depths of love, i have an idea, as do most of us right?
Love for me, is that person you can't go a day without thinking about.  Sounds cheesy..but isn't it true?  Love is looking at the person for the first time and getting lost in their eyes.  Not remembering how to say hi back to them.  Love is wanting that person to be happy, even if it means you are separated or watching them be happy with someone else.  Love is sacrifice.  Love is wanting nothing more than to see that smile of that other person.  Love is persistance. Love is when your head is telling you logic, but your heart is shining though it all.  Love is living your life around them, their needs.  Love sometimes is something you can't have, but finding a way to live through it all.  Love is enduring.  Love is something that cannot be stopped over time.  Love is sometimes hard to find.  If it's love, it will find a way.  Love is the answer to all things. 


About Today said...

I like that you're not afraid to say the cheesy things about love. I mean all of us are thinking it.


This is post is inspiring
Your so right if its love it will find a way
I dont know if i found love yet but i hope one day i do
Reading your post gave me hope that one day i will be inlove. Good job